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I am an experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) physicist. I am interested in coherent manipulation of atoms and molecules using laser light, which provides a powerful platform for precision metrology and quantum simulation. 


Quantum Simulation and Quantum Information




Principal Physicist

Quantum Sensing

2019 - 2020

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

IAS Junior Fellow

Precision Test of Fundamental Physics

Chemical Reaction at Ultracold Temperature

2016 - 2018


Research Fellow

2012 - 2015

Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science

Research Scientist

2007 - 2012

University of Michigan

Physics, Ph.D.

2003 - 2007

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Physics, B.S.


Direct Observation of the Supersolid


"We found a direct proof of the existence of Supersolidity, which is an exotic form of matter which combines superfluidity and solidity."  

MIT news (cover story for our Nature paper):

Physics World:

Media coverage by the Seeker (>1 million view):

Spin-Orbit Coupling of ultracold atoms without laser light


"Spin-orbit coupling effect can be systematically studied using ultracold atoms, by combining oscillatory magnetic forces with radio-frequency pulses. Elimination of laser beams greatly simplifies the settings, which makes the scheme accessible to more atomic species."


Published in Phys. Rev. Letts.:

Shaking SOC.jpg

Investigating Spin-Orbit Coupling with ultracold atoms in optical superlattice


"Spin-orbit coupling, which is the underlying mechanism behind topological insulators and quantum spin Hall effect, has been simulated with high precision using periodic array of atoms in a standing wave of light."


Editor's Suggestion in Phys. Rev. Letts.:

© 2020 by J. Lee

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